Gray city skyline with roots extending from buildings against black background, with 'pseudogames' text below.

At Pseu­do­games, we care­fully in­te­grate mul­ti­ple facets of our craft to cre­ate im­mer­sive gam­ing ex­pe­ri­ences. Our games draw play­ers into imag­i­na­tive worlds where they can delve into the mys­ter­ies of sci­ence fic­tion dystopias and nav­i­gate des­o­late cityscapes. With ex­per­i­men­tal de­sign and min­i­mal­ist as­sets, we aim to evoke vis­ceral and thought-​provoking re­sponses from play­ers, chal­leng­ing them to en­gage with the depths of the human con­di­tion. These prin­ci­ples guide us in our pur­suit to push the bound­aries of indie game de­vel­op­ment. About us


ZEDisDEAD's cover

We want to offer a fresh take on the zom­bie genre, using the lat­est web tech­nol­ogy to de­velop a sim­ple yet im­pres­sive low-​fi aes­thetic that fo­cuses on the vis­ceral feel­ings of your ex­pe­ri­ence and lets the minute de­tails into the player's imag­i­na­tion. With a bal­ance be­tween ar­cade ac­tion and the thrill of sur­vival, the game chal­lenges play­ers to test their courage and re­silience in the face of the many sac­ri­fices that come with sur­viv­ing in a city over­run by the un­dead. Check it out


OPTIMA Series's cover

OP­TIMA is a sci-​fi game that de­ploys play­ers into a city rav­aged by a rogue bio­com­puter and its insect-​like ma­chines, at a war of at­tri­tion to es­tab­lish new com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and routes to es­cort en­gi­neers through ten­sion and hor­ror be­yond the jam­ming hori­zon, where re­mote con­trol is im­pos­si­ble. Their ul­ti­mate mis­sion is to un­der­stand the bio­com­puter's mo­ti­va­tions and shut it down. Check it out


YUKI's cover The Line's cover Pixel Ripped Series's cover


Game of Fools's cover Hardheaded's cover Survivor's cover


R7's cover Amigãozão's cover Globo's cover


Cave9's cover Betty Boop Tetris's cover Solaris the Duel's cover