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Game of Fools

2016, jam members

In­tro­duc­ing "Game of Fools," a thrilling, fast-​paced 4-​player game that will have you and your friends rac­ing against time and ob­sta­cles to win your free­dom! Play­ers take on the roles of jesters in an arena, trapped at the mercy of a taunt­ing king. Your ob­jec­tive is to col­lect coins be­fore the timer runs out, all while avoid­ing treach­er­ous traps, such as trap doors, spikes, and more. With 10 in­creas­ingly chal­leng­ing lev­els to con­quer, you'll need to strate­gize, co­op­er­ate, and keep your wits about you. Will you make the king laugh and earn your free­dom, or fall vic­tim to the deadly ob­sta­cles that lie in wait? Grab your con­trollers and pre­pare for an adrenaline-​pumping ex­pe­ri­ence with "Game of Fools!"

