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ARVORE Internal Tools

2020, ARVORE

Our in­ter­nal tools ranged from face and body mo­tion cap­ture of our char­ac­ters in their game en­vi­ron­ments, that al­lowed our writer to act and edit the an­i­ma­tion for the scenes she orig­i­nally wrote, al­low­ing un­prece­dented con­trol over the out­come; to on­line multi­user col­lab­o­ra­tive cre­ation en­vi­ron­ments based on voxel sculpt­ing, ob­ject in­stan­ti­a­tion, manupu­la­tion and scene as­sem­bly, that helped us to keep doing our cre­ative jams dur­ing the covid pan­demic.

I'd love to show every de­tail of these tools, but since they haven't been re­leased to the pub­lic, I don't think it would be ap­pro­pri­ate.
