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2023, pseudogames

OP­TIMA is a sci-​fi game that de­ploys play­ers into a city rav­aged by a rogue bio­com­puter and its insect-​like ma­chines, at a war of at­tri­tion to es­tab­lish new com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and routes to es­cort en­gi­neers through ten­sion and hor­ror be­yond the jam­ming hori­zon, where re­mote con­trol is im­pos­si­ble. Their ul­ti­mate mis­sion is to un­der­stand the bio­com­puter's mo­ti­va­tions and shut it down.

OP­TIMA: Jam­ming Hori­zon

In the be­gin­ning, the player as­sumes the role of a rookie drone op­er­a­tor en­ter­ing the war-​torn city. Their pri­mary ob­jec­tive is to cre­ate paths through the city, res­cue trapped sur­vivors, and re­cover valu­able ma­te­ri­als from the rub­ble. Nav­i­gat­ing the crum­bling cityscape, the player en­coun­ters var­i­ous chal­lenges, such as es­tab­lish­ing se­cure com­mu­ni­ca­tion through the jam­ming bar­rier using a com­plex net­work of re­lays and ca­bles, while fac­ing off against for­mi­da­ble ro­botic ad­ver­saries.

As the story de­vel­ops, the player grad­u­ally un­cov­ers the truth be­hind the crit­i­cal ac­ci­dent that sparked the cri­sis through var­i­ous doc­u­ments, data points, and dis­cus­sions with en­gi­neers. Mean­while, they learn more about the enemy's mo­ti­va­tions: the ro­bots ini­tially in­tended to scav­enge the city for rare ma­te­ri­als and or­ganic mat­ter but be­came in­creas­ingly ag­gres­sive in their self-​defense, re­sult­ing in car­nage and horror-​inducing scenes. The player must adapt their tac­tics, care­fully man­age their cred­its, and co­op­er­ate with other drone squad op­er­a­tors to ad­dress these threats and over­come the chal­lenges of the ever-​evolving urban bat­tle­field.

In the cli­mac­tic end­ing, the player takes on a cru­cial mis­sion to es­cort an en­gi­neer squad be­yond the jam­ming hori­zon at the citadel. The player's abil­ity to forge al­liances, nav­i­gate the treach­er­ous cityscape, and main­tain clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion de­spite the jam­ming bar­rier proves piv­otal in halt­ing the bio­com­puter's ex­pan­sion. Their ef­forts ul­ti­mately set the stage for the events of the sec­ond in­stall­ment, where the player will as­sume the role of one of the en­gi­neers in­fil­trat­ing the citadel.

Please note that this project is cur­rently in its con­cep­tual stage, and we are re­fin­ing and de­vel­op­ing the idea as we progress through the de­sign process.

