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BigMac + Coke

2017, ARVORE

The vir­tual re­al­ity ex­pe­ri­ence is de­signed to sim­u­late the sen­sa­tion of con­sum­ing a Big Mac sand­wich with Coca-​Cola. The ex­pe­ri­ence takes place using Gear VR glasses and in­volves the user im­mers­ing in a vir­tual world full of soda wa­ter­falls and sand­wich as­ter­oids for ap­prox­i­mately two min­utes. After the ex­pe­ri­ence, the user is chal­lenged to de­scribe their ex­pe­ri­ence in just two words on the cam­paign's of­fi­cial web­site, in order to win a coupon with a dis­count for an­other sand­wich. The aim of the ex­pe­ri­ence is to try and em­u­late the plea­sure of eat­ing a fast-​food sand­wich, which is dif­fi­cult to achieve through tech­nol­ogy alone. This cam­paign is a col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Mc­Don­ald's, Coke and Sam­sung, and the pro­mo­tion was avail­able at thou­sands of Mc­Don­ald's lo­ca­tions in Latin Amer­ica.

