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2013, pseudogames

An one-​flag-CTF-style game de­vel­oped dur­ing SPJAM 2013 game marathon, Sao Paulo, Brazil, with the main theme "plot twist" and the bonus ones "head" and "yel­low". The plot is that both char­ac­ters are after the golden head and the twist is the once in a while change from a dis­pute to a co­op­er­a­tion, when the threat­en­ing zom­bie waves come. Be­sides that we choose to make a heav­ily copy­right sen­si­tive homage to In­di­ana Jones, Allan Quar­ter­man, with graph­ics from Zelda. As it's not a com­mer­cial game, we hope it fits under fair use; any com­plaint get in con­tact with us through pseu­do­games-​dev at google groups. It was im­ple­mented using C as main lan­guage and SDL as graphic li­brary, dur­ing the ini­tial 48 hours, with some late bug­fixes the fol­low­ing week. It was orig­i­nally de­signed to be played on an ar­cade ma­chine with two play­ers.


