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2008, globo.com

By op­ti­miz­ing FFm­peg pa­ra­me­ters using the ap­proach de­scribed in the 2008 paper "Op­ti­miza­tion of Video Com­pres­sion Pa­ra­me­ters Through Ge­netic Al­go­rithms", we were able to main­tain the same video qual­ity as the pro­pri­etary VP6 for­mat, with­out hav­ing to mi­grate to it. This ap­proach al­lowed us to use the open-​source FFm­peg with the older Soren­son Spark codec, until H264 be­came the in­dus­try stan­dard.

Ad­di­tion­ally, we pro­posed an in­no­v­a­tive GPU-​powered so­lu­tion to sig­nif­i­cantly im­prove the cost and mo­bil­ity of we­b­casts at globo.com, the web por­tal of the largest broad­caster in Brazil. This so­lu­tion re­placed two racks of ana­log TV equip­ment with a sin­gle lap­top, dras­ti­cally re­duc­ing costs and in­creas­ing mo­bil­ity. The tes­ti­mo­nial video show­cased here was recorded years after the suc­cess­ful im­ple­men­ta­tion of the so­lu­tion at globo.com, at a time when such an ap­proach was not yet com­mon­place.

Through­out this pe­riod, we de­vel­oped and main­tained a cus­tom video player and video pub­lish­ing work­flow that were used across the por­tal dur­ing the tran­si­tion from WMV to Flash for­mat.

