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Ninja vs. Zombies

2014, pseudogames

A con­cep­tual game based on the theme "con­trast", using a ninja, the col­ors of japan, our re­cur­rent zom­bies and an sim­ple but un­usual game­play for us. The game is mostly 1D, all the ac­tions de­pend more on tim­ing than any­thing else. I was not sure it would work, but it seems to have quite some po­ten­tial. As with the ear­lier ones it is im­prob­a­ble that we could be able to con­tinue after the marathon, but it would be nice to see a sim­ple story, a sound­track (like the one in the video, which is no it the game), more at­tack forms, more en­e­mies with dif­fer­ent move­ments, final bosses, dif­fer­ent lev­els, bet­ter back­grounds, etc. As usual it was made in C/SDL, but we didn't op­ti­mize for speed as much as the other ones, It was a re­laxed de­vel­op­ment using our ear­lier code­base.


